"2019" written in chalk, with the drawing of a lightbulb replacing the zero in the number

NLM’s 2019 In/Out List

We made it! Another year is upon us, and with it, a sense of anticipation for what’s to come. We’re not those who can just wait for time to tell its tale, however, so we’ve put on our prognosticator’s hat, peered into the future, and come up with our list of what’s in for the…

Skeleton of a female, standing, facing right, left arm extended

Halloween Treats from the National Library of Medicine

In this season of skeletons and specters, monsters and mayhem, the National Library of Medicine offers a few goodies that, unlike candy, won’t add to your waistline—though they might help pass the time between knocks on your door. Spine Tingling Skeletons The human skeleton evokes more shivers than science this time of year, but whether…

a jack-in-the-box emerges wearing silly glasses and a fake nose

Laughter at the National Library of Medicine?

The National Library of Medicine sounds like a serious place and it is. And yet—we do enjoy moments of levity. We can and do laugh at ourselves—or at least chuckle. From creative acronyms to cartoon penguins in a bathtub, most days we enjoy our work—and each other. Sometimes we even have a BLAST. It’s probably…

two arrows pointing in opposite directions

What’s in? What’s out?

As a new year begins, NLM in Focus takes a light-hearted look back at 2017 and forward to 2018. How’d we do with our predictions? What do you think will be in or out in the new year? Comment below. What’s IN for 2018 and OUT with 2017 IN for 2018 OUT with 2017 All…