Don’t give up hope: Bob Saget talks about Scleroderma in NIH MedlinePlus

In the recently posted issue of NIH MedlinePlus magazine, comedian Bob Saget tells about his long-time advocacy for scleroderma, a complex disease that causes thick, hard scar tissue to form either on the outer skin or inside the body, around major organs. In an ironic twist of fate, his sister was diagnosed with scleroderma just a few years after Saget agreed to host a comedy benefit for the disease.

cover of NIH MedlinePlus magazine featuring Bob SagetIn addition to covering scleroderma, this issue also features—

  • Fighting the Opioid Crisis—NIH Dr. Francis Collins talks about HEAL, the Helping to End Addiction Long-term Initiative, and the magazine tells the story of a young man and his recovery after opioid addiction.
  • Acute Flaccid Myelitis—Using MedlinePlus’ new health topic page, the magazine provides information about this rare but serious illness that affects the nervous system.
  • HPV Vaccine Approved for Ages 27 to 45There is good news on the protection front for one cause of cervical cancer: the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Last fall the Food and Drug Administration approved the Gardasil 9 vaccine for men and women ages 27 to 45. Gardasil, also known as the HPV 9-valent vaccine, recombinant, protects against nine types of HPV.

Through feature articles, personal stories, infographics, and more, NIH MedlinePlus magazine helps explain how NIH turns “discovery into health.” This quarterly publication of NIH and the Friends of the National Library of Medicine provides news you can use.

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