TV News Anchor Norah O’Donnell Shares the Importance of Early Skin Cancer Detection in NIH MedlinePlus Magazine

The current issue of NIH MedlinePlus magazine brings you Emmy Award-winning journalist Norah O’Donnell discussing her melanoma diagnosis, the importance of early skin cancer detection, and the value of trusted health information. O’Donnell, a Texas native who spent countless hours in the sun growing up and used tanning beds in high school, speaks straightforwardly about the choices she made that likely contributed to her skin cancer. She says, “The hardest truth I’ve come to learn is that I probably could have prevented the cancer….But by sharing this with my children and others, I hope that my story can help us all learn some valuable lessons and have the strength to embrace prevention.”

cover of NIH MedlinePlus magazine featuring Norah O'DonnellIn addition to covering skin cancer, the issue also features—

  • Understanding Dry Eye—A look at this uncomfortable condition and what new research says about treating it.
  • Get Moving!—Key takeaways from the new physical activity guidelines and how being active can benefit your health now and in the future.
  • 8 NIH Research Highlights—Glimpse the future with these new tests, technologies, and findings that can help you live a healthier life.

Through feature articles, personal stories, infographics, and more, NIH MedlinePlus helps explain how NIH turns “discovery into health.” This quarterly publication of NIH and the Friends of the National Library of Medicine gives readers news they can use.

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